754. Leena Luostarinen (1949-1913)*

"Iliaksen satama"

oil, sign. -75, 100x124

Auction ended 13.12.2018

Hammer price

Estimated price

Aihe "Iliaksen satama"
Tekniikka oil
Signeerattu Yes
Sign. -75
Height 100
Width 124

Collecting time 

within five days (5) at the address Tehtaankatu 36, 00150 Helsinki, FIN. The collecting time is weekdays between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and during the first Saturday from auction between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
More information here. The Auctioneer is entitled to charge 5 euros/lot/day for each stored object (large-sized objects 10 euros/lot/day) when the collecting time has ended.